23 Feb 2016

4 Ways to Avoid a Pedestrian Accident While Jogging

Posted By Darrigo & Diaz

Pedestrian Accidnet While Jogging

Jogging is a year-round activity in Florida. With our busy roadways, it is important for pedestrians, as well as drivers, to be mindful of their safety while they are jogging in order to prevent an accident.

Consider these safety tips during your jog:

  • Check for vehicles before crossing driveways. If you are running in a busy area or a residential neighborhood, you may have to cross a number of driveways. Make sure to watch for traffic turning or backing out in front of you before proceeding.
  • Jog against the flow of traffic. If you plan on running in a southbound direction, consider running on the northbound side of the street. This will allow you to keep an eye on oncoming traffic, and if a driver makes a sudden change of direction into your path, you will have a larger window of time to react.
  • Stay on a sidewalk or designated running path. Wherever possible, jog on sidewalks or running paths rather than the shoulders of roadways. While it may seem as though there is enough room, it may be difficult for drivers to see you. Furthermore, drivers may need to use road shoulders to pull over in an emergency or to avoid a collision with another vehicle. If a runner is present in this area, they put themselves at serious risk.
  • Don’t assume a driver sees you when you are using a crosswalk. Even if you are using designated crosswalks, it is still important to look both ways before entering the street. When the light turns green at an intersection, pedestrians also receive the signal to cross, and many drivers will begin to turn without seeing the pedestrians even though the pedestrian has the right of way.

Leading Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in Tampa, FL

In busy cities like Tampa, preventable pedestrian accidents happen all too often. If a negligent driver left you injured while you were out for a run, please contact the Tampa personal injury lawyers at Darrigo & Diaz, Attorneys at Law. We may be able to help you obtain compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other losses associated with your accident.

Why hire Darrigo & Diaz, Attorneys at Law?

  • We are available 24/7 to take your call
  • There are no fees unless we win your case
  • Initial consultations are FREE
  • Team led by a Board Certified Civil Trial Attorney

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